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t know this and remained motionless, as if she were a sculpture.

don't worry, it's okay, you won't be hurt.

Amy promised.

however, he knows that even if it does not harm the body, his will can cause great damage to the human spirit.

Even if you can't move, sitting like that is a big disaster.

Even so-called nuclear waste is a safe haven in parison.

And how terrible would it be for Amy to defeat herself as a demon? Aria didn't want to think about it, didn't want to understand it.

however, Alya swallowed hard and finally overcame her fear of will.

maybe it was because of Amy's confidence.

Aria finally said that.


but do you know it exists, I think everyone who knows is dead, who told me it exists?

Amy asked him. his voice was just curious, not a question. he doesn't use magic.

Like a casual conversation between friends.

but even though the conversation was very simple, Aria didn't have the courage to take it for granted.

Aria decided to answer honestly.

It's my first time seeing you, so I don't know what it is, let alone what it is.

I know it's a scary, new, crazy life.

Amy said laughing out loud.

devil of God? hahaha, you're overthinking, you're nothing pared to the devil.

You know that Satan is powerful, that he has no boundaries, that he is immortal, that he is everywhere, and that he knows everything.

but you have never seen









